Below are links to litters click "Moms Name" to view babies litter pages.
If the status is marked OPEN those rats are available to be reserved.
Available Teens/Adults
Currently available all are dumbo and born in July.
Agouti Female
Agouti Female
Agouti Male
Agouti Male
Agouti Male
I have several cages I need to give up as I will not use them. These are rare martins that are no longer available.
CUSTOM sized Martins HUGE cage 30x36x48 $250.00 this thing is massive and so much fun to decorate.
Martins 695 $100.00 (suitable for 2-6)
Martins 690 $50.00 (suitable for 2-4)
I can include these with liners - just let me know!!
Paired 11.24.24
Victoria X Yoshi (Mink, Black, American blue and Hairless marked dumbo odd-eye babies)
Veronica X Yoshi (Mink, Silvermane, Russian blue)
Tulip X Pine (Black and Russian Blue Whiteside dumbo in dwarf and standard sizes)