
I have had the pleasure to meet a couple of the wonderful Exotic Vets that Arizona offers. I have compiled a list of my favorites either by hear say or that I have used. I have also adopted a few of my ratties to a vet in the area that is spectacular at promoting spaying and neutering of the rats- I love it!

Along with a list of Vet's I wanted to talk a bit of the wonderful health benefits of spaying and or neutering your pet rat. Both male and female rats reach sexual maturity at about 6-10 weeks of age. Their gestation period is only 21-23 days. They can be bred very easily and overpopulate very easily. The most common killer of female rats is tumors, sadly. Even a breeder with the best of records try's to keep a tumor away will still have them pop up. A lot of things factor into a tumor other than just genetics (IE: diet and environment) Rats that were spayed by 90 days of age have a significantly lower incidence of mammary tumors (4%) as compared to un-spayed rats (47%) If your pet is spayed it also decreases the chance to develop another type of cancer called pituitary chromophobe adrenomas (4% spayed versus 66% un-spayed). The best thing is that a spayed rat may live longer if they are spayed early in age. Overall spaying and neutering your pets can have several dramatic health benefits! However it is a major surgery and just like with any surgery on such a small animal their are always dangers involved. The cost of spaying or neutering your rat can be upward $300.00.


Bell Ridge Animal Hospital

3539 W Bell Rd. Ste 4

Phoenix, AZ



The Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic Office of Todd Driggers

1911 S. Lindsay Rd

Mesa, AZ 85204



Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital

444 N. Center St., Suite 101, Mesa, AZ 85201

PHONE: (480) 275-7017


Palm Glen Animal Hospital

7771 North 43rd Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85051

623.688.5362 Fax: 623-931-1795


John Vagnetti, Jr Valley Animal Hospital

4984 E. 22nd St. Tucson 85711

(520) 748-0331


Julie Yeager River Road Pet Clinic

5655 E. River Road, Ste 171 Tucson 85750


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